In this bootcamp, you will learn the strategies and framework you need to go from hoping to making 6+ figures.  It is a big goal, but closer than you think!

Jan 16-18

10-11am CT


In this bootcamp, you will learn the strategies and framework you need to go from hoping to making 6+ figures.  It is a big goal, but closer than you think!

Jan 16-18 from 10-11am CT

Join me for this 3-day bootcamp where I will pull back the curtain on my multi-7-figure a-year business and show you 3 key changes you need to make to get unstuck and level up your biz in 2024!

We get started in...

As Seen On...

Does this sound familiar?

  • You know how to make sales, and you're ready to scale your business to 6-figures and beyond.

  • You're ready to leverage your time and expertise for growth in a way that still allows you to have the time freedom you crave.

  • You secretly have HUGE dreams for your business and you're dying for someone to dream big with you who has been there and knows it's possible!

  • You've graduated from one-size-fits-all business advice and you're ready for a customized plan to get your business to the next level.

  • You need to rub shoulders with a highly successful business owner who can pull back the curtain on what IS working in her business.

  • You're ready to shake off the money mindset blocks that have been keeping you stuck, and step into all God has for you in 2024!

Hey, I'm Jen!

I have a multi 7-figure coaching business!!!

After coaching 20,000+ clients I can tell you cut and paste marketing strategies only work for so long, until the market changes and you lose all momentum. What you learned in the last 2 years about business online is likely no longer working.

You don’t need a formula, you need current data from someone who is ACTUALLY doing it.

I test these strategies daily in my business and with my clients, and when something stops working, we pivot!

You need to know what’s working right now, and what isn’t. Don’t waste any more sleep or money on business advice from those who don’t have the data to back it up.

The first step is to join me in this 3-day Bootcamp where I teach you the 3 strategies that will work in 2024, regardless of what happens with the economy or politics!


DAY 1: What Got You Here Won’t Get You There

You don’t need to be working harder, you need to be working smarter. We’ll undo everything you thought you knew about business and bust through business myths to show you what you need to change.

DAY 2: Uncover the Truth About Money

Self-sabotage, money struggles, and generational strongholds are the reasons why most business owners can’t fully succeed. Come prepared for this powerful session on how you can be your own biggest roadblock, and what you can do to push past it to start reaching goals you never thought possible.

DAY 3: Learn to Dream Big Without Fear

You are allowed to have big, wild dreams that feel scary and unattainable and maybe make you feel like you want to throw up a little bit. I’m giving you the permission you need to stop thinking small.

It wasn’t until I began teaching painting classes online and then coaching women in their businesses that everything changed for my family. 

Suddenly I could reach more people and make more sales, without increasing my hours. After years in the painting business, it was WILD the success I had when I added nothing I had seen or even imagined was possible!

I was able to bring my husband home from his day job, and we finally had the time and financial freedom we'd been looking for.

Imagine if this were possible in your business!!

  • What if you could shorten your learning curve and collapse time on your business growth to achieve your goals faster?

  • What if you could find the freedom you see so many other small business owners experience?

  • How would it feel to know you are making a lasting impact in the lives of others through your business and when they got wins, so did you?

I promise you THIS IS POSSIBLE friend!!

I’ve walked it out in my own life running a 7-figure coaching business, and helping thousands of women build the business of their dreams.

What do you have to lose by NOT joining this Masterclass?

Take a look at these...

You might be wondering...

Do I have to attend live?

While I recommend attending LIVE to get the very most out of this Bootcamp, it is not necessary. If you can’t attend LIVE, register and I will email you a recording of the masterclass.

How do I access the 3-day Bootcamp?

Once you enroll, you will receive a link in your email to join me on Zoom and in our private Bootcamp Facebook Group. I'll also send you a text with the link right before we start.

What if I don’t have a business yet, can I still take this workshop?

You absolutely can join me for this free Masterclass, you have nothing to lose! Keep in mind that my insight will be tailored to those who have already made some sales in their business.

Here’s the truth, you have a proven business idea because you've already made sales! Now all you have to do is focus on scaling and making your sales process predictable. In the Level Up Bootcamp I take my experience working with 20,000+ clients and what is working in my own business, and distill it down to the most effective strategies you can use to change your life.

Jennifer Allwood | Copyright 2023

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